Monthly Archives: December 2020

The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles-Messages to their Future Selves

We are operating in a new way for all of us. We have students in the building and some joining class virtually, so it is a challenge to do activities or instruction. I have a cart that I bring to each classroom once a week in order to do instruction and checking out books and all in a 30 minute time slot.  What ever activity I do, students at home have to be able to also do it.  Supplies are thus problematic, so the only thing I can count on them having is paper, pencil and crayons.  

Uncorker of Ocean Bottles

I read The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles by Michelle Quevas to fifth grade classes, but first we talked about how people sometimes used messages in bottles to communicate. After reading the book I asked them to write a message to themselves or anyone about what their dreams are for this school year.  I told them I would hold onto them and that they would read them at the end of the school year.  Each student took a photo of their letter and uploaded it the Google Classroom assignment, which I purposely included as some students hadn’t really practiced that skill. The virtual students did the same and I printed out their photos and rolled them up as I had done with the in-school students.

Writing a message of their wishes or dreams for this school year.

Taking a photo and uploading to Google Classroom.

Students rolled up their messages and they will be saved to be read in May 2021.



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Filed under Books, Students using technology, Uncategorized

Never Take a Shark to the Dentist

I am constantly challenged to create instruction and activities during this weird time we are in. I have to go into the classroom with my cart to check out books and do activities. Anything I do hands-on has to be done with paper, pencil and crayons as supplies have to be what our virtual students have and those items are the only thing we know they all have. Very limiting-I can’t give out construction paper or colored paper to our in-person students as those at home might not have them. It’s getting pretty boring for me!

Getting Creative in the Virtual-In-Person School Mode

However. this activity worked really well and it didn’t require any supplies!  Third grade students are studying animal habitats and adaptations and the book, Never Take a Shark to the Dentist, by Judi Barrett (illustrated by John Nickle) is an excellent one because it is about animal behaviors or adaptations.  After reading the book (which the students enjoyed immensely) we brainstormed a list of animals that were NOT included in the book.  This was an easy way for both the in-person students as well as the on-line students to participate and feel like they were part of the classroom.

Recreating the Style of the Book-Adaptations

Then I had the students figure out what physical adaptations or behaviors the animals possessed in order to help them survive.  We added those characteristics to the list.  Finally I asked them to create a sentence that modeled the ones in the book and they did a great job.  In one class one of the students said, “Never race with an ostrich!” and in another class they said, “Never take a whale to a water park!” (which I thought was brillant and very original).  If you had more time (I’m only in the class for 30 minutes approximately and that includes book checkout), each student could write a sentance about the animal they placed on the list.

Definitely a keeper.


Filed under Books, Uncategorized