Tag Archives: Transdisciplinary skills

Fifth Grade Research Historical Figures

Our fifth grade students are studying the United States around the turn of the 20th century and are required to know about several historical figures.  I made a list of the names and divided them among the three classes.  Each teacher assigned the students groups (about 4 students in each group) and they pulled a name from a hat.



I had the students use either World Book Online (we have a subscription) or Britannica School Encyclopedia (available online in Georgia through the state). They used their Chromebooks to independently read about their person and take notes, each student required to record about 5-8 facts.  I narrowed their focus on the time period around 1900, as several of the historical figures had long lives with many accomplishments.

Besides including the facts, each group had to cite their resources on the poster. I’m trying to repeat this requirement over and over.

Social Skills-Group Work

Each group then had to decide which facts they would include on their large poster (white butcher paper).   I had a copy of a photo of each figure they could use to draw their person from.  I could tell they need more practice working in groups as a lot of time was spent on deciding who would do what. Or one person was telling everyone what they were going to do–and I had to remind them how to decide as a GROUP who would do what.  After observing for a few minutes I also had to tell them that I should NOT see anyone just sitting there, that the paper was sufficiently large to allow ALL group members to be working at the same time.


Repeat Activity?

I’m not sure I will do this activity again; too much time was spent coloring in dresses, etc.  The third grade classes did a similar activity and they were much more effecient in accomplishing the work in much less time.

Finished Products

It was a struggle to get the students to fill the large piece of paper.  Many of them wanted to draw very small portraits of the people.  They also wrote very small for the most part and it was hard to read.  If I do this again I’ll let them use markers as this might make reading the sentences easier (not as easy to correct mistakes, however) and have a model product for them to view.

Extended Activity-Making Connections

I tried something different this week to follow up on the poster research and poster activity.  I had the students make connections with the accomplishments of the historical figures with the world today (or their life). Using a basic graphic organizer they chose one figure and with a partner read the facts on the poster and then decided how the discoveries/accomplishments of that person impacts our lives today.  We then went back into the library and each group shared.  I think it went very well and hopefully they now have a better understanding of why we study these “old” people!



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Third Grade-My Teacher Is a Monster

I really like Peter Brown’s book, My Teacher Is a Monster and one night in the early hours I woke up and was mulling over how could I come up with an activity that would go along with the book.  All of a sudden I thought “What is the opposite of a monster teacher?”  Answer: a perfect teacher!  I wanted to combine several concepts: the IB’s Approaches to Learning-Social Skills (formerly known as Transdisciplinary Skills), IB-PYP Profiles, writing practice and art work.

I read the book to the classes and it was very popular with the third grade students.  Some students noticed that the teacher gradually changed from a monster to a more human form.  This gave us the opportunity to make a connection with a IB concept-perspective.  They decided that she didn’t really physically change, but Robert’s view of her did change.

I told the students that they would work in groups to create a “perfect” teacher.

Graphic Organizer: Brainstorming Individually

I created a graphic organizer which combined the IB-PYP Profiles and Attitudes, adjectives, verbs and activities.  Each student received a copy of the graphic organizer and were instructed to brainstorm independently.  I also placed thesauri on the tables and reminded them that if they needed a more interesting word they could find a synonym in these books. This is as far as we got the first week.



Good review of thesaurus!

IB’s Approaches to Learning: Social Skills

I downloaded a PYP Transdisciplinary Skills Toolkit from Mary’s Store on Teachers Pay Teachers (free) as it had each group of skills contained on one page with student-friendly font and text.  I made copies of the Social Skills and laminated them.

The second week we started by reading the Social Skills of the IB’s Approaches to Learning.  I filled up my tables (which seat six) and each student had a copy of the Social Skills in front of them. They did a round robin reading of the skills and had an opportunity to discuss and ask questions.

I divided each class into small groups of three groups, adjusting for personality conflicts or behavior.  After reading the Social Skills I moved the students so they were seated with their group and they began comparing the attributes of a perfect teacher.  This gave them the opportunity to practice those Social Skills!



Social Skills

From Mary’s Store on Teachers Pay Teachers

Creating “My Perfect Teacher” Begins

In week three the students finally got to what they called “fun.”  I gave each group a length (about 36″) of white butcher paper and a container of crayons. I drew a head, two hands and two feet on each sheet to give them a starting point for their drawing.  They were reminded of the Social Skills that were reviewed the week before to encourage a positive group experience.  I told them that all of the words on their graphic organizer had to appear on their creation.

Several students said after this session that it was so “fun.”  Judging by the conversation and energy in the room, it was a positive beginning.


Week Four: Completion!

I gave the students about 20-25 more minutes on their fourth visit to complete their drawings.  They were having such a good time and for the most part working well in groups.  IMG_4437v2IMG_4451v2jpgIMG_4452v2IMG_4434



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